How to Avoid Water Leaks in Your Austin Home

Better to be Safe Than Sorry When it Comes to Water Leaks

Don’t you wish there was a way you could stop those plumbing nightmares from a water leak? Guess what – you can!

Of course, some leaks are spur of the moment and happen even to the most prepared person. But, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to prevent them.

Not sure how? Well, that’s where we come in. Radiant Plumbing is offering up some leak prevention tips to help you avoid ever having one in your home.

Water Leak Prevention Tips

  1. Replace your washing machine hoses: It’s suggested you do this every 3-5 years to prevent them from leaking. If you never thought about it before, we’re glad you are now!
  2. Plant new trees far from your home: To avoid roots getting into your plumbing, plant trees with aggressive roots – like silver maples – at least 20 feet from your home.
  3. Slope soil at a specific angle: This seems like a silly thing to worry about, but it’s important nonetheless. Make sure any surrounding soil is sloped from your house at an angle of 1/4 inch per foot so water flows away from your foundation, and into your yard. This helps prevent your basement from leaking, and flooding.
  4. Winterize your plumbing: Though Austin isn’t known for it’s icy cold winters, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t prepare yourself just in case. Frozen pipes can cause your pipes to burst, which of course results in a big, watery mess for you to deal with. Have a Radiant Plumbing expert come out to your home and winterize your pipes for you.
  5. Check your water heater: Water heaters are normally good for about 8-12 years. Once they hit that range, they start functioning less efficiently and can even start to leak. If that happens, you’ll have more than just a wet floor. The water temperature in your home will be all out whack, and that leak can slowly turn into a big problem. Check on it periodically to ensure everything is in proper working order.
  6. Check the functionality of your toilet: Faulty toilets are one of the most common causes of water loss in homes. That’s an unfortunate fact because of how simple it is to check for problems. Stick around after flushing to make sure the tank and bowl refill. If they don’t you know something is up, and can do something about it before the problem gets worse.
  7. Monitor your washing machine and dishwasher: Because they use water each day during operation, it’s not unusual for them to leak. But, you don’t want this to be a recurring thing. Check on them periodically to make sure there aren’t huge puddles of water surrounding their base.
  8. Reposition your downspouts: This can be done pretty easily with the installation of a lead guard and downspout extender. Their purpose is to direct water ten feet from the house, and away from your foundation.
  9. Clean off your roof: By regularly cleaning off the debris that forms on your roof and in the gutters, you can avoid a potentially costly roof leak.

For more leak prevention tips, or for help with a plumbing problem, call Radiant Plumbing today! 

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