Home Insulation

Expert Home Insulation Services at Affordable Prices

Since 1999, Radiant® Plumbing & Air Conditioning has delivered top-notch home insulation services to thousands of Texas homeowners, ensuring optimal comfort and energy savings year-round.

Technician installing ducting work in an attic


Keep Your Home Cozy & Energy Efficient

At Radiant, we offer insulation services that go beyond just keeping your home cozy. Our affordable services are designed to enhance your home’s overall energy efficiency, reducing the burden on your HVAC system and ultimately lowering energy bills. Whether you need home insulation services for new construction or an existing property, our team is committed to delivering reliable results. We prioritize trust and quality service, ensuring that you receive top-notch insulation solutions that stand the test of time. 

The Radiant Difference

Expertise and Integrity at Work: Home Repairs by Radiant

At Radiant, we set new benchmarks in home care excellence. From your first call to our final follow-up, our expert technicians are committed to ensuring your complete satisfaction and earning your trust with every step.

Decades of Excellent Service

Since 1999, homeowners in Central Texas have relied on Radiant for top-tier plumbing and HVAC solutions. Our longstanding presence in Austin and San Antonio underpins our deep commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

Dependable, Flexible Scheduling

Your time is valuable. That's why we offer flexible scheduling options to fit your life, not the other way around. Whether it’s an emergency or routine maintenance, our 24/7 availability ensures that we are always there when you need us.

Transparent Pricing

At Radiant, we believe in solving your problems without pushing unnecessary services. Our transparent pricing and honest service approach are why thousands of customers have trusted us for over two decades, celebrating our integrity in countless reviews.

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Lone Star Locals

Radiant Plumbing and Air Conditioning operates across Austin and San Antonio, keeping over 10,000 homeowners happy with home repairs, installations, and maintenance. 

Austin, TX

A map showing the area of Austin that Radiant serves

San Antonio, TX

A map showing the area of San Antonio that Radiant serves
The Radiant Plumbing team standing and leaning on work trucks


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Frequently Asked Questions

We understand the diverse climate in Austin, with scorching summers and occasional chills. Insulation becomes even more critical in a Texas climate by playing a pivotal role in maintaining comfortable indoor temperatures throughout the year. During the blistering summers, it acts as a barrier, preventing excessive heat from infiltrating your home. This not only keeps your living spaces cool but also reduces the strain on your cooling systems, resulting in lower energy bills. As the temperature drops during colder months, insulation retains precious warmth indoors, ensuring your home remains cozy and energy-efficient. If you’re seeking to enhance your home’s insulation and energy efficiency in Austin neighborhoods like Crestview, Clarksville, and Allandale, get in touch with us for a thorough inspection and professional insulation services.

Batt insulation and rolled insulation are both types of fiberglass insulation, but they differ in form. Batt insulation comes in pre-cut panels or rolls, while rolled insulation is continuous and comes in large rolls. The choice between them depends on your specific project and the area you need to insulate.

The frequency of insulation replacement or upgrades depends on several factors, including the type of insulation, its condition, and changing energy efficiency standards. Generally, insulation can last for several decades. It’s a good idea to assess your insulation’s condition and consider upgrades if you notice increased energy costs or uncomfortable indoor temperatures. The expert team at Radiant Plumbing and Air can conduct an evaluation and provide expert guidance on when and how to upgrade your insulation for better home comfort. Contact us today for a consultation.

The choice between batt and rolled insulation depends on your specific project and insulation needs. Batt insulation is easier to handle and is suitable for standard spaces like walls and ceilings. Rolled insulation is more efficient for larger areas like attics. Our experts can assess your home and recommend the best insulation type for your situation. If you’re planning to upgrade your home’s insulation, we’re here to assist you. Contact us to schedule an inspection and receive professional guidance on the ideal insulation solution for your home.

Yes, you can add more batt insulation to your existing insulation to enhance energy efficiency. It’s an effective way to upgrade insulation levels in your home. Our team can evaluate your current insulation and recommend the appropriate steps to improve insulation and energy efficiency. Contact us for an inspection, and we’ll provide tailored solutions to optimize your home’s insulation and energy performance. Don’t hesitate to get in touch to create a more comfortable and energy-efficient home environment in Texas.

Blown-in insulation, also known as loose-fill insulation, is a type of insulation material made from either fiberglass, cellulose, or other materials. It is installed by blowing or spraying the insulation into cavities, attics, or wall spaces using special equipment. This method allows for a seamless and effective insulation barrier. The insulation materials create a thermal resistance that helps regulate indoor temperatures, keeping your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.

Blown-in insulation offers several advantages over traditional fiberglass or batt insulation. One significant benefit is its ability to fill irregularly shaped spaces and effectively seal gaps and voids, providing better coverage and reducing heat transfer. It’s also highly efficient at reducing air leakage, improving energy efficiency, and lowering utility bills. Blown-in insulation is particularly beneficial in attics and walls, where it can be installed without major disruptions to your home’s structure.

Yes, blown-in insulation is considered safe for both your family and the environment when installed by professionals. The materials used, such as fiberglass or cellulose, are non-toxic and non-allergenic. Properly installed blown-in insulation poses no health risks and is fire-resistant. Additionally, many insulation materials used today are made from recycled content, contributing to environmental sustainability. When installed correctly, blown-in insulation can enhance indoor comfort while minimizing its impact on the environment, making it a safe and eco-friendly choice for homeowners.

Home Insulation Near Me

Upgrade Your Comfort with Our Affordable Home Insulation Solutions

Living in Texas, you know the struggle is real when it comes to keeping your home cool during scorching summers. While a powerful A/C unit might seem like the answer, a more strategic approach lies in proper home insulation. Here at Radiant® Plumbing and Air Conditioning, we’re your one-stop shop for all things home comfort, including expert home insulation services in the San Antonio and Austin areas.

Benefits of Home Insulation in Central Texas

Think of your home as a thermos. Proper insulation acts like a thick, high-quality lining, keeping the cool air in during the summer and warm air in during the winter. Here’s how it benefits you:
  • Reduced Energy Bills: A well-insulated home requires your HVAC system to work less, translating to significant savings on your energy bills. Studies show proper insulation can decrease cooling costs by up to 30%!
  • Enhanced Comfort: Say goodbye to hot and cold spots! Even insulation distribution ensures consistent temperature throughout your home, keeping you comfortable year-round.
  • Improved Indoor Air Quality: Proper insulation helps prevent air leaks, which can trap dust, allergens, and pollutants inside. This creates a healthier indoor air quality and living environment for you and your family.
  • Increased Home Value: A well-insulated home is a more energy-efficient home, which is a major selling point for potential buyers.

Comprehensive Home Insulation Services

At Radiant, we understand the unique climate challenges faced by homeowners in the San Antonio and Austin areas. That’s why we offer a comprehensive range of insulation services, including:
  • Attic Insulation: Your attic is a major source of heat gain in the summer. We offer a variety of insulation options, including blown-in cellulose, fiberglass batts, and radiant barrier, to ensure optimal heat control.
  • Wall Insulation: Insulated walls contribute significantly to maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature. We can assess your existing wall insulation and recommend the best solution, whether it’s spray foam, cavity wall insulation, or dense-pack cellulose.
  • Crawl Space Insulation: Don’t let your crawl space become a hidden energy drain. We provide crawl space encapsulation services to prevent moisture intrusion and improve overall home insulation.
  • Basement Insulation: Basements can be prone to cold drafts. We offer basement insulation solutions to keep your living space warm and comfortable.

Why Choose Radiant

Our commitment to your comfort goes beyond simply offering insulation services. When you choose Radiant, you benefit from:
  • Expert Consultation: Our experienced technicians will conduct a thorough home inspection to identify areas needing improvement and recommend the most effective insulation solutions for your home.
  • High-Quality Materials: We use only the best, industry-leading insulation materials to ensure long-lasting performance and maximum energy savings.
  • Professional Installation: Our certified technicians are highly skilled in installing all types of insulation, ensuring a flawless and efficient job.
  • Competitive Prices: We offer upfront, competitive pricing with flexible financing options to make home insulation a budget-friendly investment.
  • Guaranteed Satisfaction: We stand by our work and offer a guarantee on all our services.

Call Radiant Today

Don’t wait another scorching summer to improve your home’s comfort and energy efficiency. Contact Radiant Plumbing in San Antonio or Austin today for a home insulation consultation. Let our experts help you create a cooler, more comfortable, and more energy-efficient home – all at an affordable price.

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