Your air conditioning unit has one job… To provide a source of cool air to counteract the powerful Texas heat. When repairing your AC system outweighs the ability to enjoy consistent cool airflow, it’s time for a money-saving, highly efficient, and powerful new unit.

Radiant Plumbing and Air prides itself on providing a top-notch service experience that gets the job done with optimal efficiency. Our air conditioning installation services cover most locations across Central Texas – from Austin to San Antonio, and nearly everywhere in between.

5 Benefits Of A New Air Conditioning System

Once your tried-and-true air conditioning unit turns into pure money-draining unreliability, a new AC unit installation will offer tremendous benefits and a technological advancement that provides you with:

  1. Environmentally-Conscious Footprints
  2. Quiet Operation
  3. Increased Home Value
  4. Reduced Energy Bills
  5. Precise Temperature Control

7 Signs You Need a New Air Conditioning Installation

A few indicators of when your AC system needs replacement include:

  1. Frequent Repairs
  2. Rising Energy Bills
  3. The Air Conditioner Operates All Day Without Shutting Off
  4. The Unit is Older Than 20 Years
  5. The Indoor Temperature is Inconsistent
  6. The AC Can’t Keep Up With the Temperature Set on the Thermostat
  7. Odd Noises or Smells Emanating From the Unit
2 Radiant technicians unloading an AC unit for HVAC replacement in Austin, TX

It’s a disservice to you and your home to let your unit provide subpar cooling. Acknowledging a deficiency in your unit’s functionality is the first step towards setting up a new air conditioning installation… and we have just the team to get it done.

Radiant Plumbing & Air Conditioning: The Best Installation Team in Texas

Radiant’s air conditioning installation technicians are experts in their craft, and they place a high value on impeccable service from ‘hello’ to ‘have a wonderful day.’

Our primary goal is to make sure that you are receiving the most accurate unit for your home, and that means going above and beyond just selling a system. Radiant provides a thorough Home Comfort Test that is recommended to all customers looking for an AC installation. This process allows our team to inspect your current unit as well as your ductwork in order to determine the appropriate system to reliably cool your entire home.

From home comfort testing to installation day, we have refined this process down to a science. Our 5-star team of AC technicians will strategize and work with you to provide a customized solution for your cooling needs.