Choosing Between a Tankless and Tank Water Heater

Tankless Water Heater Benefits

Water heaters are at the forefront of innovation in the plumbing world. This accelerated rate of change is introducing new considerations for homeowners every year. Lucky for you, we’re experts on all things related to water heaters. We love nothing more than to educate our customers and help them make informed decisions.

As you are considering the purchase of a new water heater, keep the following factors in mind.

Comparing Key Features of Tankless and Tank Water Heaters

Water Heater Size & Function

The first apparent difference between these two appliances is size. The traditional water heater is significantly larger than its more modern, tankless counterpart. Most homeowners dream of added space in their garage or closet which becomes a reality with a tankless water heater. Allow plumbing expert, Trevor, to walk you through a side-by-side comparison:

The way they heat your water is quite different as well. Traditional water heaters can only provide hot water until its tank runs out. At this point, it will need to refill and reheat. The tankless water heater on the other hand can guarantee endless hot water. Most Texas homes have a traditional 40 gallon gas water heater on the premises. Most Texans find this meets their needs. If however, a homeowner requires more hot water, the tankless water heater becomes a promising prospect. It all comes down to the individual.

Water Heater Efficiency

The second key factor to keep in mind when considering the purchase of a water heater is efficiency. Over the last few years, the Department of Energy has developed and implemented new rating standards and testing procedures. As of the Summer of 2017, the new industry standard for determining a water heater’s energy efficiency is called Uniform Energy Factor (UEF). This rating allows homeowners to easily calculate their annual expenditure and compare models. Here is Trevor again to talk to you about efficiency ratings:

Simply put, tankless water heaters are far more energy efficient than traditional water heaters. It’s not, however, that simple. Homeowners will also have to keep in mind how much gas pressure is needed to heat up their unit. Traditional tank water heaters require only 38,000 – 40,000 BTUs and don’t strain your home’s gas load. Tankless water heaters require anywhere from 150,000 – 199,000 BTUs and can definitely take a toll on your home’s system. Homeowners who want to opt for the more efficient option might have to upsize their home’s gas capabilities before installation.

Water Heater Maintenance

With any big investment, maintenance is essential. Here’s Trevor one more time to talk to you about the difference in maintenance requirements for tank and tankless water heaters:

In addition to these considerations, you can arm yourself with knowledge by consulting our personal water heater maintenance guide. Failure to maintain your water heater with regularity can lead to leaks and, depending on its location, even property damage.

A water heater is a large investment. By reading this post and familiarizing yourself with some of the basic considerations, you’re off to a great start! Radiant’s team of experts are able to provide water heater installation, maintenance, and repair whenever you need it. We are proud to serve our customers across Greater Central Texas. If you need water heater maintenance, call the experts trusted by thousands of Texans!

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