Radiant Hires 100 New Employees In 2020

With a few weeks to go until the end of the year, Radiant Plumbing and Air has surpassed the 100 mark for new hires in 2020. Currently standing at 103, 82 of those hires have taken place since March — the month that marked the first lockdowns across the nation. Despite the many financial and operational obstacles posed by the onset of COVID-19, our team has been more determined than ever to adapt, grow, and continue to serve our community.  

In 2019, 5,900 candidates applied to open positions at Austin’s #1 in plumbing and HVAC. Whereas in 2020, we’re on track to end the year with over 8,000 applications coming through our inbox. As you can tell, we’re just as picky as ever with a hiring rate of only 1.3%. But this statistic should by no means discourage would-be applicants. On the contrary, our 2020 hiring rate reflects our motto when it comes to recruitment: “We’re not looking for the best technicians around, we want the right technicians.” If you have the right skills, experience and personality to join our team, we’ll make it happen!

These are exciting times for Radiant and we can’t wait to grow even more in 2021. If you’re interested in joining our team, view our available positions and consider applying today! Radiant is the definition of stability. We’ve been serving communities across Central Texas for over 20 years. If you’re a plumbing or HVAC professional who’s ready to take your career to the next level, discover a Radiant career today. If you have a great attitude, our offices in Austin and San Antonio would love to have you.

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