Interviews can be nerve wracking. Most find the uncertainty involved in the recruitment process and the need to make a good impression incredibly stressful. That’s why we asked our recruitment team to share five ways applicants can stand out and put their best foot forward. Here are five ways you can nail your skilled trades interview.
Advice For Interviewing in the Trades
Show Up & Be Nice
You might think the need to show up is obvious, but you would be surprised by how often our recruitment team has to reschedule interviews due to no shows. So our first suggestion to you is not only to show up, but to show up on time. If you show up late for your interview, or not at all, you’ll leave them wondering if your lack of punctuality will be a problem on a daily basis. Secondly, just be yourself and be the nice guy you normally are! Most trade positions will involve regular interaction with fellow team members as well as customers. Always keep in mind that during their conversation with you, recruiters are gauging how you interact with others. If you’re easy to talk to, it’ll go a long way in helping your application. At Radiant, a candidate that’s upbeat and a “culture fit” gets us excited. So if you show up on time and you’re a pleasure to talk to, your interview is off to a great start.
Read The Job Description
With the ever-evolving nature of the trades industry, various specialized positions are being created all the time. It is therefore crucial that applicants carefully read the job description of the position they’re applying for. Even though your interview will be a free flowing discussion, the recruiter will likely want to focus on key points outlined in the job description. Getting familiarized with the requirements and expectations for the role will not only ensure a smooth interview, but it could also spark some ideas. Which leads us to another point: be flexible. The position you’re applying for might not be an ideal fit for your background and experience. But there could be another vacant position that is! Researching a handful of other available positions at the company could open some doors. Be open to the idea of entering the race for another position if the opportunity presents itself.

Demonstrate You’re Tech Savvy
Most interviews are conducted online these days, especially with the onset of COVID-19 and the impact it’s had on the skilled trades industry. The company you’re applying to will likely want to carry out at least one of the phases of the interview process using a teleconferencing software. At Radiant, our platform of choice is Zoom. Take a few moments ahead of your interview to get acquainted with the software you’ll be expected to use. Turning on your camera and enabling your device’s microphone seems simple enough, but experiencing technical difficulties in the middle of an interview is something you’ll want to avoid at all costs.
Demonstrating that you’re tech savvy in general will bode well in your interview. You might be expected to use a tablet when discussing available options with a customer, or you might have to rely on business communication platforms like Slack to share information with your team. The world is becoming ever-more technologically advanced and the skilled trades industry is keeping up.
Have Your Resume In Order
One of the biggest issues the Radiant Plumbing and Air recruitment team has to deal with is incomplete resumes. Many applicants omit some of their work experience because they don’t think it’s relevant. We’re here to encourage you to always include as much information as possible. Recruiters want to get to know you as best they can, and sharing experience you’ve accrued in entirely different industries could really help your case! Entering the trades from an unconventional background shows initiative and ambition, and we love to see it.
Ask Your Own Questions
We’ve now reached the portion of your interview that recruiters find the most enjoyable. It’s now time for you to ask some questions. To make this portion of the interview as productive as possible, we highly recommend you get to know the company you’re applying for. Whether you scan through their careers page or their “about us” section, knowing their brand values is crucial. By demonstrating you’ve done a bit of research and having a lively Q&A session, you’ll ensure you end your interview on a high note.
Skilled trade workers are incredibly valuable in our society. Know your worth and keep your head held high as you navigate the sometimes uncertain world of recruitment. If you stick to the five points outlined above, you’re going to do great. Good luck!
Advance Your Career in the Trades with Radiant
Radiant is the definition of stability. We’ve been serving communities across Central Texas for over 20 years. If you’re a plumbing or HVAC professional who’s ready to take your career to the next level, discover a Radiant career today. If you have a great attitude, our offices in Austin and San Antonio would love to have you.