COVID-19 has touched upon every aspect of our daily lives, and its impact will continue to follow us through the holiday season and into the new year. 

This doesn’t mean you have to cease your family’s traditions and celebrations — improving your home’s indoor air quality (IAQ) this holiday season is the best way to ensure the festivities continue without a hitch. Even if you choose to celebrate virtually with others, you must still take all the necessary precautions to make sure your family is surrounded by clean, fresh air with Santa Claus traveling from house to house. 

As you get ready to schedule your yearly furnace tune-up with Radiant, a top HVAC and plumbing company for Central Texas hoemowners, here’s what you need to keep in mind about indoor air quality to make sure you can enjoy the holiday season.

What Causes Indoor Air Pollution?

Indoor air pollution results from a variety of processes that are perfectly normal in most circumstances. Dirt and mold can unknowingly be dragged into the house, causing allergic reactions and increasing the risk of mold growth every single day. Additionally, a faulty HVAC system can spread dust and debris around your home and keep it circulating in the air.

Many homeowners don’t realize that the holiday season escalates the risk of indoor air pollution. Burning candles and cooking extravagant holiday meals can increase the amount of soot and other by-products indoors, which can harm your family’s health. Gas-powered ovens and stoves can further increase the risk of exposure to hazardous fumes like carbon monoxide, creating serious health problems for those who breathe it in.

Then, of course, there’s the risk posed by COVID-19 whenever you have a large gathering of unmasked people. If your home doesn’t have the best ventilation or lacks the proper filters to limit microbe spread, you can expect to be breathing many of the same things your guests are ill with.

Will It Impact My Health?

The short answer to this question is yes, but the severity largely depends on the problem.

Crowded indoor spaces present a genuine risk of contracting COVID-19 and can also spread other viruses and bacteria that are dangerous to members of your family who have compromised immune systems.

Besides the risk of infection, poor indoor air quality could lead to serious health problems if the primary issue consists of carbon monoxide and other noxious fumes. Carbon monoxide is notorious for its toxicity because it’s tasteless, colorless, and has no smell. Since it’s virtually undetectable, carbon monoxide can enter your body and cause headaches, memory loss, and, in severe cases, death.

When compared with COVID-19 or carbon monoxide, dust and allergens may not seem like a big deal. However, keeping your home free of debris, mold, and other pollutants that aggravate allergies and asthma symptoms will help ensure that you can ring in the new year without fear.

What Can Be Done About Indoor Air Pollution?

There are a few ways that you can limit the amount of indoor air pollution in your home. If you still need service, call us today to schedule services from Austin & San Antonio’s most trusted home repair company.

Radiant - 5 Ways to Improve Air Quality infographic