Pipe Repair in Austin: 3 Common Indicators of Pipe Leaks

Pipe leaks are sneaky. They may not look like a problem at first, but they can soon blossom into a nightmare that will send you calling for pipe repair in Austin sooner than you realize. In addition, they’re not immediately visible to the human eye, because they mainly occur under floors and between walls. Next thing you know, they’re costing you upwards of thousands of dollars in water damage, leaving you hopelessly in debt. That’s not exactly the way you want to ring in 2016, so it’s important to call for professional service once you first notice pipe leaks in your home.
However, how exactly do you go about detecting leaks? Many homeowners know how urgent it is to receive pipe repair in Austin, but they don’t necessarily know when to call for service. Fortunately, Radiant Plumbing is here to help you determine when to make the call to receive our services. We’re always here to help with any of your plumbing needs, and your pipes are certainly no exception to the rule!

When Should You Call Radiant for Plumbing?

Not sure when to give us a call for pipe repair in Austin? Here are 3 of the most common indicators pipe leaks are in your home:

  1. Mold and Other Bacteria: Wherever moisture festers, mold growth will follow. The longer your home goes without professional assistance, it can become incredibly hazardous to your health, and mold growth will play a hue role in making your home unsanitary. Mold can be harmful to breathe in, leading to breathing and respiratory problems. Call for service immediately once you start seeing mold growth in various areas of your home.
  2. High Costs of Water Bills: Did you just take a look at your latest water bill and notice the cost is unbelievably high? Before your jaw hits the floor in shock, know this: pipe leaks can waste up to thousands of gallons of water that could be used for other purposes. Trying to keep up with high water bills can be stressful, especially if they show no signs of lowering.
  3. Water Damage on Floors and Walls: Are the floors and walls in your home starting to get damper seemingly by the moment? Failure to seek professional treatment can lead to extensive water damage that can force you to spend plenty of money on repair service. You may have to kiss your wallet goodbye just to pay for plumbing!

Contact Radiant Plumbing today if you’re experiencing a bad pipe leak and we’ll give you the best pipe repair in Austin!

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